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[Editor's Note: The following information was presented by Linda Howe in her ISCNI Academy class session on Sunday, May 28. Academy classes are open to all ISCNI members free of charge.]
Several crop formations have been reported in England, and the first one of the season in the United States.
The U. S. formation was found in Lebanon, Oregon near Portland on April 30. The crop was a mixture of cow peas and wheat. The formation was a slightly elliptical ring 11 feet by 11 feet 8 inches with an approximately 3 foot diameter circle of standing wheat.
Biophysicist W. C. Levengood in Michigan found that the growth nodes in the wheat showed very significant expansion compared to unaffected plants outside the oval. The farm owner, his wife and two teenage children reported suffering severe nose bleeds around the time the formation was discovered. They wondered if there was any connection, because none of them had ever had nose bleeds before and none since about April 30.
Dr. W. C. Levengood is a retired biophysicist in Michigan who has done extensive analysis of plant samples taken from crop circles by Linda Howe and other researchers. He has been coordinating his work with other scientists who so far wish to remain anonymous. Linda Howe, Dr. Levengood and others are participating for the next six months on a research project in which they will gather as much physical data from formations as possible in Canada and the U. S., specifically to work with other scientists in academic institutions. By next spring, they anticipate being able to summarize much more data from several academic studies.
Recent English formations have included a rape seed circle in Sussex, England in early May in which Dr. Levengood has found biophysical and biochemical changes which cannot be hoaxed. Then on May 9, a large egg-shaped oval was flattened in wheat at Woodborough Hill, a now-famous crop formation active center in the Wiltshire area of southern England. And a 32-foot diameter circle with central swirls was found May 14 near Ogbourne St. George north of Marlborough, also in Wiltshire. (A diagram of this formation is posted as a GIF in the ISCNI public library.) Dr. Levengood has received samples from these formations, but does not have results yet.
The major biochemical and biophysical changes that seem to be separating truly anomalous formations from hoaxes are:
Linda Howe and other researchers are calling for reports and assistance from the general public regarding the appearance and location of new crop circle formations, which seemingly can occur overnight in any cultivated field anywhere in the world. If you happen to discover a new formation, you can greatly assist Linda Howe's research by taking physical samples from the formation and sending them to Dr. W. C. Levengood. Linda outlines the following important steps for taking, labeling and shipping the samples:
[Editor's Note: The following is a brief excerpt from Whitley Strieber's new book, "Breakthrough - The Next Step," which has just been released nationwide.]
This is a brief section of an interview with a congressional aide who has been privately investigating the cover-up since 1992. Breakthrough is the first time he has spoken out about his findings. One of the most interesting things that he has pointed out involves the fact that, since congress has not been duly informed about the coverup, it is illegal. Everybody who is engaged in it is party to a felony, whether they have signed a National Security Oath or not.
"If it is deliberate disinformation," the investigator said, "then I think it's probably a violation of the law, because propagandizing the American public is forbidden by statute."
He continued, "my sense of this is that some of what has gone out is probably disinformation, and it's very troubling to me. If there is an official kind of locomotion to this, that officials are orchestrating this, then we are in a very serious situation. They are in violation of the law, and whoever is responsible for it is guilty of a conspiracy to defraud the American people. It's a problem area that troubles me. These people may just be quacks who have been in the military. But if there is a concerted official effort to confuse the public about what's going on, there are serious violations of the law involved."
With regard to the Roswell Incident, he concluded that, "based on what I've read about it and the investigating I've done, the evidence is almost overwhelming that this debris was not a balloon and it was a sophisticated device of great importance to the national security establishment. There has never been any kind of a briefing or explanation to the congress that it was anything other than a weather balloon or another known object. The weather balloon story is false. I'm driven, given my investigation, to conclude that this was not American, it was not under our control, and it was of great interest to us. Whether it was terrestrially based or not I do not know. The fact is, that something happened of great importance and it was covered up. It was covered up in a way that indicates a very concerted, organized effort at the highest levels to do so. Given the statements of witness and all the other evidence, one is led to believe that a security event of the first order occurred. That is my conclusion."
The 26th Annual MUFON International Symposium takes place July 7-9 at the Red Lion Hotel, Seattle Airport, Seattle, WA.
ISCNI President Michael Lindemann is one of the featured speakers, and ISCNI will have a display booth at the symposium all weekend long. If you're coming to the symposium, be sure to stop in at ISCNI's booth.
If you wish, you can even join ISCNI members for dinner on Saturday
night. Space for guests is limited, so if you're interested, please contact
DianeOmega@aol.com or LaurieAD@aol.com
for more information.
The theme of this year's MUFON symposium is "Ufology: A Scientific Paradigm." Confirmed speakers include Michael Strainic, John Schuessler, Dan Wright, Walter Webb, Rolf-Dieter Klein, Katharina Wilson, Karl Pflock, Stanton Friedman, Charles, Emmons, F. Joe Lewels, Michael Lindemann, Michael Swords and Linda Moulton Howe.
For further information about the symposium, please call 210-379-9216 (MUFON Headquarters) or 206-488-3805 (Marilyn Childs, Seattle symposium coordinator).
In a poll conducted for TIME Magazine and CNN in December of 1993, the polling firm of Yankelovich Partners Inc. called 500 adult Americans to ask about belief in angels. According to TIME's published results, here's what they found ("not sure" answers were omitted, and the sampling error was plus/minus 4.5%):
Fully 69% of adult Americans said they believe in the existence of angels.
Only 25% said they do not believe.
Forty-six percent of those polled said they believe they have their own guardian angel, while 21% said they did not think so.
Asked what best describes what angels really are, 55% said that angels are "higher spiritual beings created by God with special powers to act as his agents on earth." Fifteen percent thought angels are spirits of people who have died; 18% said that angels are "an important religious idea but merely symbolic;" and 7% think angels are just figments of the imagination.
Asked if they had ever personally felt an angelic presence, 32% said yes, while 35% said no.
And finally, to the question "Do you believe in the existence of fallen angels, or devils?", 49% said yes, while 45% said no.
These poll results accompanied a long and excellent cover story on angels, published in the December 27, 1993 edition of TIME Magazine and available in the TIME archive in AOL's news department. Recommended reading!
Due to the great success of ISCNI's "First Month Free" membership program, we're running this special offer until August 31, 1995. When you join ISCNI, you get a full month free of charge to look into every aspect of our programs and services. If you like what you see, just continue to participate and we'll bill your credit card when your free month is up. If you find ISCNI isn't for you, just send us a cancellation notice before your free month expires, and we'll cancel your membership -- no charge, no questions asked. It's that simple. We're happy to make this offer, because we've seen that over 90% of the people who try ISCNI decide to continue their membership.
During your free month as an ISCNI member, you'll have full access to the Forum Message Board, the News Center, the Institute Libraries, and classes in the ISCNI Academy. With so much to gain and nothing to lose, why not try it today. Just go to ISCNI (Keyword: ISCNI on America Online), open the Registration Form and follow the easy instructions. We look forward to seeing you "on campus."
[ISCNI*Flash thanks Joachim Koch and George Wingfield for forwarding this information. The following is excerpted from a longer report.]
Following extensive discussions of the controversial "Roswell Film Footage" at a UFO conference in San Marino, Italy on May 20-21, Italian researcher Edoardo Russo of the Centro Italiano Studi Ufologici posted a report on the internet. Sources of information for the report came from Italians Maurizio Baiata, Paolo Fiorino, Matteo Leone, Edoardo Russo and Maurizio Verga, and from Philip Mantle of BUFORA and Chris Cary (close associate of film owner Ray Santilli), both attending the conference from England.
The report added little to the general description of the "alien" body. However, Italian TV journalist Maurizio Baiata presented a paper at the symposium in which he reported having been shown three distinct film segments, each showing a different autopsy or examination sequence. One segment showed an apparent physical examination of a dead body in a tent -- perhaps a field hospital. The other two segments show autopsies in an apparent operating room. In each cases, the body seems essentially of the same type, but is not necessarily the same body each time. The body appears more deteriorated in the third sequence. Also, the operating "physicians" wear full protective clothing during the second sequence (the widely reported footage shown at the Museum of London on May 5), but wear only standard operating clothing and surgical masks in the other sequences.
The Italian report commented on a number of rumors as follows:
Be sure to take advantage of ISCNI's First Month Free Membership Offer, running now through August 31. Just come to the ISCNI free area in AOL (use keyword: ISCNI), fill out and email the Special Registration Form, and you'll receive a free month to explore all of ISCNI's membership programs and services.
We're looking forward to welcoming you to the ISCNI Campus soon!
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Uschi Gerard
Vice-President, Admin.
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